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Partner With The Sharpest Betting Group On The Planet

“Now You Can Borrow Our PROVEN Bot Technology To Exploit Your Local Bookies & Win More Bets Across All Pro & College Betting Markets!”

Date: August '23
From: Micah Smith
Location: Down South
Dear friend,

The complaints from local bookies keep rolling in via text message & WhatsApp…
"I thought you were a stand up guy"

"We're done, this is on you"

"Your account is permanently banned"

"It's unfortunate man, but we're done"


The messages you see above are just a few of the “bitter and pissed off” comments our partners have received in the past few days from their local bookies.

The thing is, none of these bookies know each other… They’re located hundreds of miles apart scattered throughout the country.

The one thing they all have in common is being caught up in their feelings and taking a financial beating from our betting group.


Local bookies. Grown men. Crying and complaining because they feel like a victim!

A victim who’s been cheated and taken advantage of.

And truth be told, they were… Sort of...  How?

By a small army of bots.

More specifically, a.i. Bots that executed our betting strategy, without fail, across hundreds of betting accounts with unsuspecting local bookmakers.

Hence the local guys crying in the screenshots above.

Before I go any further, allow me to introduce myself…

...my name is Micah Smith


I’m a 40 year family man who’s chosen a very unique career in the betting industry.

There's a good chance, you’ve never heard of me… and I prefer it that way…

Most of my time and energy is spent in the trenches working behind the scenes in the operations of our betting group.

However if you do recognize me, then odds are you saw me in Spencer Cornelia’s Youtube documentary that covered our Colorado Betting Operation.
But all in all , I'm just a regular guy who’s heavily involved in the betting market and has been for the past 22 years.  So yea, I thought I've seen it all then...


You see, professionally… Uncovering and maximizing an edge in the local, offshore, and legal betting markets is my life’s work.

So don’t take the secret I’m about to share with you lightly.

It's been a complete game changer when it comes to maximizing an edge. And that’s coming from an industry veteran.

But before I go any further let me cover the basic principles of what defines an edge… Don’t worry, I won’t drag you too far down the rabbit hole.


When it comes to sports betting, regardless of the sport, the BIGGEST advantage a bettor can have is “closing good”.

But what exactly does “closing good” mean?

It means you’re getting the very best of the number.

Think of it like this...   A team on the wagering board opens at +6.5.  Then at post, that same team, closes at +3.5.

If you secured your bet at +6.5 you closed good… If you secured the bet at +3.5. You closed bad.

Pretty basic, right?


That’s the X-Factor Dave Miller and I have used to win and continue to win millions of dollars in our Colorado operation I mentioned a second ago.

It’s literally our CORE strategy.

The only downfall betting in legal markets, such as Colorado, are the limitations.

For starters, there’s only a handful of legit betting apps like Draft Kings, Fan Duel and a few others who accept wagers.

On top of that, legal bookmakers limit max wagers between $2,000 to $20,000 per bet depending on their in-house rating systems.  Remember, bookies of all types want to cater to squares (i.e., losers) and keep them betting.

So the problem becomes extremely challenging for a betting group like ours to maximize a 7-figure bankroll.

On the flip side… if we could break into the local betting markets, i.e., local bookmakers then...

...the potential is limitless.

Think about it, there’s literally thousands upon thousands of local bookmakers.

Heck, odds are you know five or six bookies yourself… Probably more.

And the best thing about the local markets…

It’s only growing. More and more bookies are popping up year after year thanks to how easy the pay per head platforms make it for “anyone” to be a bookie.


Again the potential in the local betting markets becomes LIMITLESS!

Which brings up the topic of bots!

We live in a day and time where artificial intelligence can drive a freaking car from point A. to point B. on its own (shout out to Elon Musk and Tesla).

All things considered, one would think it’s possible to leverage the same a.i. technology so a small four man betting group could make thousands of bets across thousands of local bookies in seconds.

Seems logical, right?  That’s because it is!  


You see, over the past year, I’ve assembled a dream team to help me exploit the local betting markets across the masses.

How? By hiring the sharpest minds to utilize bot technology to capitalize on inefficiencies in specifically the local betting markets.

Now this is going to sound crazy but do me a favor, blink your eyes.

Seriously, just do it…


You see, in the split second it took you to blink - a bot could have logged into your local bookie’s account, analyzed the lines and odds, ensured certain conditions were met and placed a bet.

Literally in a split second.

Pretty impressive, right?

Now imagine an army bots doing this… I’m talking about thousands of bots being able to place bets with hundreds of thousands of bookmakers.

Starting to see the BIG picture?

Since we can literally place a bet in a microsecond... We're talking world domination when it comes to sports betting. Silently extracting a fortune from local bookies with an invisible foe…  


Our bot technology can be your biggest alley and asset!

Best part is, it goes undetected!  Meaning your bookie(s) won't know what hit'em!

Thus, all the bookie tears / screenshots you saw earlier!

And the beauty of leveraging this bot technology is it allows, bettors like us, to truly get down maximum value and maximize an edge.


Don't take my word for it...  See for yourself by botting your accounts, specifically, with local bookmakers!

The potential is literally limitless!
Talk Soon,



It's well known that bookies are risk management experts (yes I'm being sarcastic).  I'm talking, Local Bookies, Offshore Bookies, & Legal Market books (Vegas, Penn. Colorado, etc).

If you win at an above average rate then you're ran off!

How do we know?  We've been ran off thousands of times...

...our accounts gets limited.
...our passwords randomly stop working.
...our past wins randomly vanish.
...our financial winnings held ransom (until we got the gaming commission involved).

When it comes to the cat and mouse games bookies play...  We've seen it all!!!

...when you lose, "everything is fine" but the moment you win at a consistent rate you become enemy of the state in the eyes of bookies.  

In some cases, you're even labeled a cheater...  Even though you're betting the spread and the odds they offer!  The moment YOU stop losing it becomes a major issue for a bookie as you can see.

But don't take my word for it...   See for yourself first hand.

Know one or more local bookies?  Start secretly botting your accounts with them.

Want to leverage our edge using bot technology? Click the button below, fill out the form, setup an appointment, and let's talk soon!
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